Tuesday, February 22, 2011


            Be careful of those nights, you know the ones. You’re a little out of your element and your guard is low yet hostility is running high. These nights are to under no circumstance, be trusted for emotions. You and many others might be going home tonight sitting restless in bed and receive texts in the dead of night or actually compose them without even thinking. These texts and/or voicemails will not be fully representative of how you feel for the rest of the day and week. But you'll be reaching out for someone and if your not reaching out someone will be reaching out to you. All of your friends, your brain, your morals and your conscious they have you brainwashed, they have you trained not to respond. But I am going to go against the grain and suggest something different. The next time you get a text from the one you love, the only person you love and cant talk to face to face right then and there that second that instant when you know their face…their touch is the only thing holding you together at the end of the day. You got to respond, take that leap. Just simply write back. When that person you hate to love asks you if your up and your stubbornness is at its peak, if you love them just do it and say “yup, come over dammit”. This life is way to short to be playing a game. If you really are meant for that person, you will figure it out later. You might spend the rest of your life lying in bed starring at your blackberry or iphone on your chest hoping it starts vibrating at any point through the night. If you love somebody you got to tell him or her. You can scream, fuss and remove all the days’ frustration on them because you know they are the only person on the planet who you can show your worst side. When the shit hits the fan tomorrow, next year or at all they will be standing right there. They might be hurting or even seem upset but they are still there because they would rather spend an eternity right by your side than a second without you. So im asking you to not close your eyes before they know without out a shadow of a doubt how you feel. Don’t keep fighting over the phone or a text. Tell them stop and just come over. Let them cry all over you. Do the best that you can do. Love freely and without reservation. The person who might have hurt you in the past is not going to be the one you chose for forever. Use that pain because when you find the right one, you will know. It will come together because fact is you can never appreciate the love you have if you can accept the pain you knew.

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